Saturday, May 4, 2013

Livin' on a prayer

May the fourth be with you.   

Yes, I'm a closet have seen it too many times Star Wars fan.  

Happy Saturday! So I thought I would take a moment or two and express how I am feeling.

You know that feeling after the longest day you've ever had, that included work, hobbies, family, exercise, cooking, you're sick, like cant function sick.  And you lay down and just cant get up?

That's a percentage of my last few days.

I am literally living on a prayer. 

I think I can conclude that the steroids are in fact not working.  I would even go so far as to say that I'm worse off.  Yay.

Third infusion day came and went.  I have a new favorite at home nurse as she brought me a Starbucks.  Pretty fabulous.  

Mom made my day sparkly buy finding the (almost sold out) lovely blue sparkly sperrys I've had my eye on for weeks.  

The puppies have enjoyed being able to snuggle with me while being sick.  

May 2nd I celebrated my 2nd year anniversary with 3 Pillar Global (more on that later).  

Right now I am going to go watch some tv, drink some bubble water and collapse again.  

Two last things:

1. Last weekend I put a goal to get 100 likes on facebook...which we achieved!!  Can we get 200 by the end of this weekend? (we're so close!!)

2. Check out and spread the news of Atom Willis, a men's fashion label that shares it's profits for MS awareness.  Love.

"Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.”

Love, Eliz