Sunday, November 24, 2013

MS Awareness...And Why it Matters

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending Western PA's National MS Society's Annual Meeting, volunteering with their advocacy team.

As with all MS events, there were a lot of canes, lots of orange and lots of encouragement. 

It really initiated my thinking on why there needs to be such a big push for MS awareness, especially with upcoming events.

One of the most promising things on the horizon for MS is Stem Cell Research (which translates as possible relief and cure).  However, Stem Cell procedures wont produce the type of revenue stream a new drug would.  So drug companies are not interested (you might even guess they would do things to hinder this so their drugs stay on the markets longer...just guessing).  Independent funding is few and far between.  And government, well, government does not see things clearly with regards to MS and funding.  

So this is what needs to be done: we need to go orange. 

I know, its a gross color, it really doesnt look good on anyone and is specifically forbidden on my personal fashion color palette.  But it's time. 

Here are some ways in which you can help create MS awareness:

1. Share MS blogs (such as the sparkled life or various others you may come across).  If you have a MS blog, send me the link with a photo and I'll gladly add you to my badges.

2. Write your own MS story (if you do not want to start a blog, send me your story for a guest blog on TSL!).
3. Get involved with the National MS Society.  Donate to the National MS Society.  They are our biggest ally.
4. If you are a man, love leather and need a coat for the chilly weather, visit my dear boys at Atom Willis.  They donate a proceed of each coat to MS research.
5. Buy a bracelet from my friend at Keep Smyelin.  Nothing says MS awareness like a pretty orange bracelet. 
6. When the time comes, call your representatives, call your government.  MS is a real disease, with real problems.  Call them out on the overall health care reform.  If they want to help, then please help.  Fund the research.  Fulfill discoveries.  

I have respect for our government.  However we shouldnt forget the government works for us.  We are allowed to voice our concerns.  And there are many concerns.  

Lets do this.  Lets go orange. 

(ewh...why cant MS be a prettier color?!)
