Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend / Life updates.......

Well let's see.  It is now almost the end of April.  And I have successfully spent most of it in bed.

April showers bring May flowers?

Let's gosh darn hope so!!

This weekend was full of adventures. 

First, the Darlington family as we shall call them.  This is a family that I sometimes house/dog/kid sit for.  They are just a lovely family.  This weekend I dog sat their two puppies, T and S and we took many naps together (yes in the same bed).  They are fabulous puppies.

We even spent some time sitting outside for a bit, them watching the deer, myself reading and drinking Starbucks.  The weather was nice enough to wear sandals for a bit!  That was a sparkle moment!

Second, Grandma visited from Colorado!  We met Saturday for coffee at my favorite.

Third, the twins received a scout honor at the Catherdral on Sunday.  Being in a wheelchair sometimes does have its benefits...we got front row seats!  So proud!

I love how you can see my bunny ear iPhone case shadow on here. (:

With Grandma.  Dress: Michael Kors. Love.

Boys and I. <3


Mom and Daddy with the Scouts of Honor.

And then...back to bed.  Last night was one of the worst nights.  Well, like I said, this past month has just been blah.  I havent gotten to do anything because my body just doesnt even want to.  

Multiple Sclerosis is a bitch.  I can say this because it applies.  

I go tomorrow to the MS Specialist Doctor to determine next steps and how we can find some relief.  I only hope there is something.

I watched a very interesting movie which I will elaborate on more on a different post; it was called "A Little Bit of Heaven".  It brought me to tears, which really isnt saying much since this medicine I'm on creates life to be portrayed as an emotional rolling coaster.

But to provide a glimpse, what really brought me so hard to tears is the correlation this movie had with my life.  Granted, it wasnt a direct correlation but it was close.  

Watching my life correlation, on screen, played by Kate Hudson, whom I love, was difficult.  It knocked me into the reality seat, a seat I dont like to be in much (hello, I sometimes convince kids that I'm a real life princess; or that I'm a robot and have a third leg).  

As stated, I will elaborate more.  I just wanted to share a preview of what is to come. 

To say that reality sucks sometimes.  

Multiple Sclerosis sucks all the time.

Not being able to get out of bed shouldnt even be a thought.  Unless you're trying to avoid finals week.

I'm doing the best I can do and I know that.  And I have amazing friends and family who are as well.

No one knows how to do this, how to go through life with a chronic, disabling disease.  But once that card has been handed to you, you just got to put on your best poker face and play it.  There are too many cute clothes to wear out not to.  (Should I mention I've done a lot of online shopping? :D)

Much love to all.  Prayers, good vibes, all appreciated for some hope tomorrow!!

Love, Eliz

A wheelie selfie shot.  A must of course. 

PS: THANK YOU to all who have liked The Sparkled Life Facebook Page!!  We've hit 141 likes!!  Here's to 200!!  To like the fb page, visit: