Saturday, January 22, 2022

Adaptive Stretching - Sparkling Style


Adaptive stretching - Sparkling Style!!!!


Wednesday January 26th at 10am I will be hosting an adaptive stretching session*. 

(How to sign up is below!)

This will be a time in which I share some of my favorite seated or laying down stretches, all adaptive style!

If you cannot make this time but are still interested, you can still sign up and I will send you the private class link after it’s completed.

Everyone who signs up will receive the recorded class, to re-use and craft your own stretch sessions!!

I will be trying to keep it to 20-30 minutes. This will be a more instructive class. I will be showing modifications to most all stretches, to meet everyone where they are at.

I will have future flow classes where we get really in to the stretches.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Or send me a dm on Instagram!

Ok to sign up, there is $10 good will offering. You can do this via venmo, PayPal, an Amazon giftcard, or a Starbucks giftcard (we’re getting creative over here lol). All that info is below. 

Please include your instagram name so I can share with you the info via instagram!

After you share the good will offering, I will be in touch with the zoom link.  And then I will follow up after the class with the recorded version. 

Yay, lets get stretching! Excited to stretch with you!

Good will offering

Venmo: @Eliz-Martin-27
Amazon Giftcard: link here.  Email: 
Starbucks Giftcard: link here.  Email:

*I am not a professional. discuss with your doctor before pursing anything new that might affect you. i have been actively stretching for 10 years so I do feel like I can bring a lot of knowledge to this area but it’s all civilian patient knowledge. please take the proper precautions as needed for you! ❤️