Traveling is very good for the soul. It does the body good to go and see the world, the beauty of it all. It does the heart good to see friends, family. And at the end of the trip, there is no better feeling than coming home.
A little over three weeks ago I embarked on a sparkle journey; first stop: Colorado.
Red Rocks
Sparkle Travel Tip #1: To avoid jet-lag and other side effects from flying, drink 8 fluid ounces per hour in the air. Airplanes and airports are dry; staying hydrated will do the body wonders!
People always ask me how I do while traveling with MS. It isnt easy but it isnt that challenging either. Places are very accommodating, especially the airlines. They will wheel me straight from the counter, first through security, right up to the gate. There are some perks to this whole MS thing after all. :D
Loved spending some sister quality time. Especially love our squinty eyes.
I spent the weekend with my sister and her new husband / my new brother-in-law. It was fun to spend some time with them post wedding, seeing their Colorado life. We traveled to Boulder for an afternoon and I have concluded I could easily live their just for the gluten free alternatives (every restaurant has them!). Oh and yes, the view is absolutely stunning as well.
Looking out on Boulder Colorado.
New siblings
Next visit was a few hours south in Colorado to visit my Grandma (and her many friends and sparkle supporters!). It sort of feels like coming home to this little town surrounded by mountains. It truly was a treat to spend quality time with my Grandma.
We went to visit our tree one of the days. This little Aspen has all of our initials scribbled in it and has stood tall for many, many years.
Grandma's first selfie (:
And the weather was just gorgeous! I packed winter essentials (for you never know with Colorado in Oct) and I think I only pulled out The North Face once. Go figure.
Sparkle Travel Tip #2: Do laundry throughout your trip. This will eliminate the need to overpack as well as it makes unpacking and coming home less stressful (though there is no judgement if you bring 2 suitcases on your journey, one easily weighting over 60 lbs).
Next up: San Diego, California to visit my best friend Bethany.
It's always a joy to visit her because I also get to see so many of the wonderful people in her community that I just love. From BBQ dinners to brunches to dinners out, we had a great time together.
I even had the opportunity to spend some time in Bethany's classroom. Her class was in charge of the All Saint's Day Mass and they were just adorable. It was so cute.
One of the most beautiful views.
Wednesday we had a girls day at La Costa Spa and Resort. It was fabulous. 6 hours of pure spa life. #heaven
La Costa aka love
Sparkle Travel Tip #3: Sleep. Time changes are rough. Dont fight your body. Let yourself get the right amount of sleep. Plus, time changes are an excellent excuse for a nap! (Though I never need an excuse :D).
The ladies who spa.
The 3 weeks went by so quick and before you know it I was boarding a plane back to Pittsburgh. Looking at these pictures and hearing tales of the stories its hard to identify exactly where the MS is hiding. But it's there. Oh how it is there. There were some really crappy days. However I'm SO fortunate to have such lovely people in my life that understand, accept and just love me through it all.
Over the past 5 weeks I've been coast to coast...literally. Where will I end up in the next few months? Only time will tell!
Sparkle Travel Tip #4 : Go see the world.