Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wedding Bells!!

Well, the wedding of 2013 has come and gone and goodness was it just beautiful!!

My sister Courtney and her husband Allen.

As promised I will be sharing the details of the DIY wedding but I'm going to hold off a little on that as I'm still in recovery mode. 

The wedding was just beautiful!  My sister looked absolutely stunning and her husband said it was the best day of his life.

I teared up at a few moments...the vows, my speech, the first dance.  Its very moving.

Friday night was the rehersal and dinner and it was a little comical.  The Priest is newly ordained and didnt really know the process.  Being that it was our families' first wedding as well as my sister's husbands families' first wedding, we were all very happily confused. 

The dinner was a great time of socializing, allowing us to meet and great with all the bridal party and our families.

All of the siblings at the rehearsal dinner.

Saturday was a true adventure of a day!  All the girls got ready at our house...hair, make-up, steamed dresses...it was so much fun.  My best friend Zachary flew from Boston to attend the wedding as well as to help with hair.

Zach and I being normal.

Everything went smooth and flowed well...although it did go by too fast!

The wedding ceremony was very blessed.  A true witness of love.

And then party time!  My mom truly did a great job with decorating the reception hall.  The night was truly a party; the dance floor was never empty.  

The favorite family moment was when they played our anthem, Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run.  We all had a blast jamming to that one.

Proud Jersey blood.

Sunday morning our family hosted a brunch which was a great way to really sit down and chat with all the out of town people who made the trip as well as our close friends here.  Courtney and Allen then spent some quiet time with us opening presents and reminiscing on the events of the past week.  

Sunday evening they flew back to Colorado and then left early Monday for a camping honeymoon.  I had gotten so use to having everyone home (including my brother Timmy) that Monday was very quiet.  

As if I cant say it enough, it really was a beautiful time.  It's not every day your younger and only sister gets married and I'm so happy for her that her wedding day was epic.  And now on to a fabulous marriage!


I'll be sure to follow up with more photo's, stories and how-to's.  

Have a fabulous day!
